I found this here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12923873/how-to-print-wchar-t-string-in-lldb with a minor tweak of if -> elif
Thanks stack overflow!
Python file:
$ cat ~/work/lldbscripts/unsignedshortptrsummary.py
import lldb
def unsignedshortptr_SummaryProvider(valobj, dict):
e = lldb.SBError()
s = u'"'
if valobj.GetValue() != 0:
i = 0
newchar = -1
while newchar != 0:
# read next wchar character out of memory
data_val = valobj.GetPointeeData(i, 1)
size = data_val.GetByteSize()
if size == 1:
newchar = data_val.GetUnsignedInt8(e, 0) # utf-8
elif size == 2:
newchar = data_val.GetUnsignedInt16(e, 0) # utf-16
elif size == 4:
newchar = data_val.GetUnsignedInt32(e, 0) # utf-32
return "
if e.fail:
return '
i = i + 1
# add the character to our string 's'
if newchar != 0:
s = s + unichr(newchar)
s = s + u'"'
return s.encode('utf-8')
init file:
$ cat .lldbinit
command script import /Users/justincohen/work/lldbscripts/unsignedshortptrsummary.py
type summary add -F unsignedshortptrsummary.unsignedshortptr_SummaryProvider "unsigned short *"
Gives you:
(lldb) p new_text
(string16) $5 = {
(unsigned short *) _M_p = 0x110625cc "This is a string16!!"